The Attitude of Eschatology

Attitude of EschatologyWhoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever.” Amen. 1 Peter 4: 11

How is seeking sensationalism like focusing on your favorite junk food and arguing why it is good? How do you feel physically when you forsake healthy food that is good for you to grow and thrive? How is this like forsaking good Bible teaching and succumbing to false teachers and bad fads?

Does Love cover you? Do you use it to cover others? We are to be fueled and empowered by love in all situations. Christian love is…

The context of this passage gives us comfort in our trials and setbacks because Christ Himself suffered. He, who is God incarnate, who totally did not deserve to suffer, suffered on our behalf. He endured great physical, mental, and spiritual pain on our behalf, and exemplified the attitude and conduct we are to have when we go through the tough stuff of life. Thus, when people say we will not suffer or that the world’s problems will not affect us, or we will not have tribulations well they are wrong, accordingly to Scripture.

The call of biblical eschatology is not to have a theorem; rather, for us is to be prepared and equip ourselves for what lies ahead in life. Because we trust in Jesus first and foremost. We are not trusting in whatever hot idea is on hand today.

We must have our expectations based on real biblical reality and in faith, so when something comes our way, whether it is a blessing or a problem, or a theory we can take it, examine it, handle it with excellence, learn, and grow from it. Then, in turn, we can be a blessing to others because of it. However, we cannot do that if we are not following Christ and taking heed to His Word and example, His grace, and His love so we want to respond. Otherwise, our ideas and desires will fill that gap and will get the best of us. The sins of others and the sins of our heart, a ell as misplaced loyalties to speculations will break us down and take us over unless we focus on Christ, His ways, and His path (1 Peter 4: 1-11).

“Very words of God” refers to Scripture, the words that God has spoken to us. This means to be careful how you speak and minister and what we say as being Truth as we sometimes speak for God as He uses us! We are called to be good stewards with His Word, as we are called to live, serve, and do all that we do in life for the honor and glory of our Lord and Savior (Acts 7:38; Rom. 3:2; 1 Cor. 1:26-31; Jude 24-25)!

As we minister Christ’s Word to others, be truthful in what it says, remembering context and real word meanings and not bend it to speculations and bad trends. Because, the context of this passage also means being charitable or generous to others with what Christ has given you, and to serve Him without being held back by fear, time, or lack of talent. See the connection to Truth and service and gifts in the passage?

As Christians, we are to typify Truth, faith and reason together so we can exhibit the maturity needed to not just understand end times, but what really matters, make wise decisions and have a purpose in life.

The context of 2 Peter to End Times means directly caring for those in need, such as the sick, infirmed, and poor. However, some Christians will have a specific call and empowerment to do this. People in the world may be more concerned for their own needs and agendas than they are for God’s clear doctrine and purpose, but as Christians, we are called to go beyond ourselves to serve others well (Titus 2).

Kindness is the proof of authenticity (Rom. 2:1-4; 12:4-21; 16:1; 1 Cor. 12:7-11; Eph. 4:32; Col. 3:12-14; 1 John 3:16-23)!

What can you do to be on guard against the sins and enticements of others bad theology and example? If you are not, how do you suppose the sins of your heart would break you down and take you over? What can you do about it? Remember, a bad heart and or bad thinking as well as not looking to Christ and His Word equals bad theology, equals a bad church, equals a bad life that does not glorify Christ!

The Attitude of Christ!

Attitude of ChristThe end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4: 7-8

The end of the world is coming! Life and our opportunities are limited; so what are we to do?

This and many other passages tell us that we are to have the attitude of Christ. Not that of pious fraud or prideful leaders who make it up as they go. Rather, we are to make every effort to represent Christ and make the most of what we are given for His glory (1 Peter 4: 1-11).

Look at it this way. We are stewards of all that we have, whether small or great. The better we use our gifts, the more generous He is with us with more gifts, abilities, and opportunities, in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. We are called not to waste our opportunities, or sit and argue or just be apathetic thinking why bother, since the end is near.

We are called to be diligent and faithful to our call, talents, and prayer with love and hospitality. Biblical eschatology tells us to do what God has called you to do and do it with passion, truth, and in love!

Is near” refers to the period from the Resurrection of our Lord to His Second Coming; this is called the Last Days. This is not a time reference, meaning either limited or unlimited time, although it does mean that the longer we go, the less time we have. We can have a week left or another two thousand years.

The point here is the End of Days is a period of time and covenant with Christ, and it will be marked by great sufferings. No one will be immune; we will all have to give account for our life. Looking forward to the End of Days and Christ’s return is also meant to encourage and influence the attitudes and actions of suffering Christians (John 5:27; Acts 17:31; Rom. 2:5, 16), therefore, be in serious prayer (Dan. 12:1-2; Acts 2:17; 1 Tim. 4:1; 1 Pet. 1:20).

What we are to do is: Pray is meant to line us up in His will and with His empowerment (Luke 18:1; 1 Cor. 7:5; Eph. 6:18; 1 Thess. 5:17; 1 Pet. 3:7; 1 John 5:14-15).

What we are to do is: Love, which covers means that real love continually forgives (Matt. 18:21-22; 1 Cor. 13:5; Eph. 4:32; 1Thess. 4:9-10; 2 Pet. 1:7; 1 John 4:7-11). This means we are to overlook the faults and transgressions of others against us within reason and with love. We are also not to gossip or slander one another (Prov. 10:12; James 5:20)!

What we are to do is: “Hospitality,” specifically refers here to taking in travelers with generosity-not grudgingly or with complaining. In general, since we have Christ’s love flowing in us, it should flow to others around us.

So in the last days, and that time is now, we are to be willing to give preference to others, to look out for and look after one another, and to share, with discernment, what God has given us, including our family, home, finances, and food. We are to have an attitude of stewardship where we do not own anything because we are merely the caretakers for the real owner, God. He desires us to share His stuff, and we comply out of reverence and gratitude to Him.

Thus, as we come along side others, we are to welcome them and act out our faith in real, helpful kindness, generosity, and deeds. This includes providing help and lodging to fellow Christians, helping those who are being persecuted, and helping out in our community (Matt. 25:34-43; Luke 10:30-37; Rom. 12: 3-8, 13: 16:33; 1 Cor. 12:1-7; 1 Timothy 3:2; 5:10; Titus 1:8; Hebrews 13:2; 3 John 1:5-8).

Does Love cover you? Do you use it to cover others?

God’s love is the ultimate power for the Christian. Love is more than a feeling; it has segments and characters in it. Love is also a choice, a decision that must be perused and worked on (John 13:1; 15:13; 1 Corinthians 13:3; 1 John)!

We are to be fueled and empowered by love in all situations. Christian love is the turning of our backs on our self-concerns and facing our neighbors. It is the surrender of our will to His. If love does not take us beyond our self-interests, then we have only lust and pride, not real love! God’s love must be our model for life. It must flow into us from Christ, and in return, flow out from us to those around us.