
This blog is a ministry from the…..

The Francis A. Schaeffer Institute of Church Leadership Development

Thinking and Providing Biblical and GraceCentered Theological Resources for the Church
The inward area is the first place of loss of true Christian life, of true spirituality, and the outward sinful act is the result. Francis Schaeffer 

The purpose of this blog is to bring you the research results from a fifteen-year plus, in-depth, investigation of the Book of Revelation by the Schaeffer Institute and Into Thy Word. http://www.intothyword.org  

This is not a simple Bible study; it is a vast undertaking, of which I do not believe has ever been done. What we sought to do is give you a more thoroughly engaged and proper viewing into the art and science of eschatology, evaluating end time’s scenarios and biblical thinking into the book of Revelation. At the same time, layout all of the main views for you side by side!

We come to Revelation without a specific view of end time’s prophecy or thought or theology, as each aspect can have multiple views, applications, meanings, and fulfillments that can be true or not.

What we did is what is called “Exegetical Eschatology,” an honest exegetical and inductive examination, using the genre (type of writing), real word meanings, through unbiased investigations, contexts and historical backgrounds. Thus, we seek to honestly interpret in light of what it meant to a first century Jew and Christian, what John’s readers heard and saw. 

We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (John 14:26-15:26). The Triune God has created humanity in His own image and has called us to manifest and reflect personal holiness through trust and obedience to His Word and commandments. 

The Problem of Eisegesis

The Problem There is just too much bad and false teaching on this subject!

Our point is to focus on what God says not what man says… we are the triviality when we distract others from Him. He is Sovereign… Thus, we look to Matthew 24, what Jesus clearly stated as our template, not heretical preachers or even what our denominations stated or what is popular…

The Methodology of our Eschatology

As serious students of God’s Word the Bible we must know this great axiom, that to engage in honest and effectual Bible exposition, context, context and…one more…context, the historical, genre, textual…what does that term mean not just in the original language, but by the context of the language structure, what did it mean to the person who penned under God’s inspiration and who originally heard and read it…what does it mean elsewhere in Scripture… and so on…. Not what a madman in a suit is screaming on TV, thus we are relaying the research on this for your examination…Our M.O. “modus operandi” is simply to seek out what the Bible has to say on Eschatology.  We have no ax to grind, no view to prove, we engage the Bible as humble learners. Thus, we seek the most honest and effectual approach is to engage the Bible without a preconceived view, to carefully research what is being said in context, word meaning, genre… Thus, an inductive exegetical approach is undertook, along side of deductive research to see what did that mean to the original writers and hearers and readers of it, not what we may think today. In this way, we can get a better picture of End Times and better embrace God’s most precious Word!

Our focus primarily a critical and scholarly evaluation on the text and its context from the view of how it was understood in the time and culture from rigorous


Through His Word and the Holy Spirit, we strive to bring the gift of a life that is fully surrendered to God. We approach all of our work and life under God’s control and leadership.

A part of the Into Thy Word Ministries Family of Websites 


Into Thy Word on You Tube:

Schaeffer BooksBooks by Francis A. Schaeffer

We were founded in 1978, Under Francis A. Schaeffer’s guidance and vision.

About the cofounder and man behind the words.

“Into Thy Word Ministries” Statement of Financial Responsibility.

Our articles, research, essays and curriculums are designed for any Christian, church leader or pastor to get to know and teach the Bible better.

Because of God’s calland Schaeffer’s influence, we desire to see a church committed to His purpose and poured out to His ways. Then we will see revival through real prayer and devotion to His Lordship.

The principle focus of FASICLD for the last 15 plus years is seeking why so many churches are failing.

The Institute is incorporated as a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization and depends on gifts and contributions from friends and donors.

13 thoughts on “About

  1. This is good. Please continue the discussion. You will all have to advocate a point that many do not see. The ethereal concepts that amillenialism espouse are not grasped by eating concrete. Thank-you.

  2. Free verse by verse Bible study !!!!
    Conservative, evangelical exegesis using
    1. history
    2. context
    3. original word meanings
    4. syntax-grammar
    5. genre
    6. parallel passages
    These Bible studies emphasize the original inspired authors’ intent (one
    meaning) and then attempts to offer possible applications (significances).
    These free Bible studies are available in video, audio & written formats.
    Please look at http://www.freebiblecommentary.org and if you like it a free Cd-rom
    is available upon request which contains all of the written material.
    Please remember that no one agrees completely with any commentary. They
    are meant to be thought provoking, not definitive!
    I am making this life’s work available free to be a blessing to the body
    of Christ. I was teaching at an OMS seminary in Haiti several years ago and
    I felt the Lord say to my heart”make them available free”. I am trying to
    follow that “word”. If you feel comfortable share this website address with
    others interested in Bible study.
    Dr. Bob Utley
    Professor of Hermeneutics (retired)

  3. Will you be going further into this study past Chapter 14? This is a great study… Thank you for it. God Bless

  4. Dear Administrators of the Biblical Eschatology Blog,

    I have been following your site for awhile and appreciate the work you do. It is one of my regular RSS Feeds. From what I can see, it looks like we think very much alike. I first became interested in the Book of Revelation in Bible College, but it was really on the mission field in Argentina that my love for this wonderful book took off. I saw how it ministered to the poor and suffering in a way that had a practical impact on lives.

    This is a topic that I have written about extensively and have recently started a new wiki dedicated to it at http://victory.wikidot.com. I was wondering if you might consider the possibility that I contribute an article for your site on that topic. You can see my writing style at the site mentioned and also at my personal blog site at http://www.SpiritOfOrganization.com.

    My credentials are that I was a church-planting missionary for 21 years in Uruguay and Argentina. I have been in the U.S. since 2004 teaching at a Christian College in Memphis, TN. I have Masters degrees both in Theology and in Leadership and also a Doctorate in Strategic Leadership.

    Should you publish my post on your site, I would be happy with a simple attribution with my name and the blog that I author. I would love to work with you on this. I will look forward to hearing back from you.

    God bless,

    Dr. Greg Waddell
    Director of Institutional Improvement
    Mid-South Christian College
    Memphis, Tn 38671


  5. I love this site, I have been searching for a ‘sound” doctrine on eschatology, I found it,I’m in agreement with you, most important ‘point’ of it all, are you living in Him,for Him? Everything else is gravy!!

  6. John B.

    I have no credentials. I only suspect that it seems certain that the earth
    and the universe are not accidents. It took me a long time to come to this
    amount of suspicion/belief. Anyway I have begun my own study of Hebrew
    even hoping to attempt even my own re-translation of Masoretic script
    into Paleo-Hebrew. There are differences between the Masoretic and the
    Septuagint , Samaritan Pentatuch versions. I dare not attempt to explain but I suspect huge secrets have been hidden.

  7. Do you plan on creating a page or article on “Chilian” or “Chilianism”? I remember Augustine in City of God writing he is no longer Chilian. I wonder if the Edict of Milan along with Augustine’s popularity was instrumental in changing the divided opinion to the majority, preferring amillenialism through the centuries. I realize rapture is not directly mentioned by the fathers but it seems other things (in relation to end times) are present in their theology. Justin Martyr and Irenaeus are two.

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