Christ will Certainty Return PIV

second coming eBe curious and hopeful! 2 Peter 3:10-13 

“But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.” 2 Peter 3: 13

Can you think of a specific area in your life that could use more hope? What does it mean for you to be confident and exuberant? What can you do to be more confident and exuberant?

Coming refers to when Christ will come back and gives us blessings as Christians who are faithful in Him. This is an aspect of great hope, that our righteousness do matter and it will come into fruition when He comes (Isa. 9:7; 32:16-17; 62:1-2; Jer. 32:40).

New heaven and a new earth could refer to an entire, new, created order after God destroys this one, but other passages indicate this means God reboots this one, cleanses it, and restores it as in a transfiguration process. Whatever means is used is because of His redemption that allows us to have a home of Righteousness. His righteousness will exemplify the world, not sin (Isa. 11:4-5; 45:8; 65:17-25; 66:22; Dan. 9:24; Rom. 8:21-23; 1 Cor. 15:35-57; Rev. 21:1).

Peter makes the point that since everything will be destroyed and judged, we should focus ourselves on Christ. He is our Hope and reason for life and living. He will return. There is no “if;” only “when.” It is not theory, but fact, and it points us to a faith that is sensible and useful. Our lives need to be in pursuit of Him and His Truth and principles so we are not spending our energies in sensationalism and endless debates, but rather in knowing Him and making Him known.

God calls us to be curious and hopeful with what is to come. This is to give us strength for endurance and anticipation of His work to come.

But, we are not to be obsessed and impatient or slip off the path He has for us. Our focus is to be in and on Him, not on our agendas. We are to make sure we do not fall prey to sensationalism or are not carried away by those who are deceptive, manipulative, or condescending or who play to our fears, hopes, and desires. Nor, are we to fall prey to our own faulty thinking, negating the real, revealed truths. Our footing is in Christ. Let us not lose it and fall off a cliff!

Our security, salvation, and lives are in Him and in Him only, all for His glory.

His promise to return is the climax of our life and the beginning of life everlasting. It is our hope in the midst of our trials and sufferings as well as in the daily grind of life. He wants us to live in the contentment of His love, not in the circumstances of ours or other’s notions or trepidations.

Do you understand who you are in Christ? Do you look for signs, or do you take His precepts as your sign and roadmap for life?

The Pharisees in Jesus’ day were experts in inferring what was going on in the world with people, perceived motivations, knowing ‘their’ rules, and even the weather, but they did not know their Scriptures. They knew them as had them memorized, but not understood or applied. They knew the mechanics, but not the heart and intent. They only knew what their interpretations were, what others had said, and the passion to follow the concepts they cherished. But, they did not know the facts of what God had plainly told them in His Word. Just as many Christians today.

The best view to have in eschatology is the buildup of our faith and the deployment of our spiritual formation in the lives of others.

We pave the way for His Second Coming by our faith development and deployment, not by our feeble theories and the chasing of signs! From this passage in 2 Peter, what do you understand God’s call to be for you? What can your church do to discipline and/or warn people who make apocalyptic predictions or have bad motivations for their teaching?

That term may not mean what you think it means?

If you really loved the Lord, and you love real Truth, and took to heart God’s Word the Bible, then you will do your best due diligence to find out what our Lord is really saying. Never seeking your way or pride or to force your assumption into God’s most precious Word! Right? Yet many do!

We have the “popular problem,” with exegetical and or biblical Eschatology, as most people do not go to and take from the Bible; rather, they read into the Bible. Or what many people today seek-to just relate it to their personal traditions or trends or theological ideas or worse feelings.

Yet, the Bible means what it means, says what it says! It real true Truth. “True-Truth” is mathematical and has a definitive answer; Scripture indeed has the definitive answers too-If we are willing to look. Most of the time they are in plain sight, because the Bible says what it says and means what it means.
But sometimes we get to a term such as “beast” and wonder what that is. So we must ask, what is that, and don’t assume. A little careful research in quality sources will reveal it and its real truth. The real truth is not always what my denomination or theological framework or my favorite preacher or author has to say, or some comparison of it. Nor is it my truth or what is relative to my feelings, personal thoughts, or ideas predicated by my hurts or outlook or worldview.

Real “Exegetical Eschatology” simply means we go to God’s Word and take from it and not read into it.

With “our” truth, we go to God’s Word and read in our will and ideas, what is in it for us, and respond to how we felt at that time with a caring attitude to what the real truth is. In true-Truth we go to the Bible as surrendered beings, seeking to know and glorify Christ because He is Truth as is His Word. This is the science of Inductive and Exegetical Methodology. We get to the real Truth as revealed in God’s Word versus what we want to or feel may be true. After all, we are removed two thousand years from these times not to mention the language and cultural barriers from the original writings of the Bible from which we glean.

Our goal in our postings is: What did these words from Scripture mean to the human authors used by the Holy Spirit as well as the hearers at the time, not from a newspaper today that is at a different time, culture, and language.

This is what real effectual factual truth is in action and in application, asking the question what the bible clearly says in its actual meaning and context not what we think it should say.


Do you read from the Bible or read into the Bible? Do you know the difference?


What is Biblical Eschatology?


It is the study of our Christian beliefs concerning the End Times and the Second Coming of Christ as taught by an rightful, truthful and logical exegetical analysis of Scripture.

For us, this means when we go to the Bible, we realize it is a book written in a different time and language and to a different culture using images, symbols, and metaphors that we may not know as well as we think today.

Thus, we are to assume a passage is literal until we get to a term that does not make sense or fit.

Like, saying to a non-English speaker, it is raining cats and dogs, this statement will not make sense to them, just as beast will not make sense to an American Christian two thousand years removed. Thus, we will assume and may get it wrong; yet, with some due diligence of investigating, of what did that mean to the original hearers; like, what did John thought it meant. And, we can find that out very easily.

So what do we do? We seek to do our very best to actually read the Bible right and seek its truth, in context, actual word meanings, while leaving our assumptions aside. This is the art and science of the logic of ‘induction,’ Inductive Bible study!

Our other main goal is the application of what Francis Schaeffer said as “true-Truth!” What does the Bible really say?

Not what I think the truth is, but willing to lay one’s truth aside for an honest investigation should not be feared; if you are right, Scripture will pan you out. If you are wrong, wouldn’t you rather be right on the side of the Bible, regardless of what others may think, or your own pride that may need to be swallowed?

Then if you still feel your truth is correct and you did your homework, you are better off. But what usually happens is that we push our truth forward, ignoring logic, sound reasoning, and biblical exegesis such as, what did these terms and ideas mean in their original languages, set in their contexts, genre, and cultural meanings?

So when we read the Bile, especially areas that may not make sense to us, or what we just always assumed it meant, or what the popular books and so called Bible teachers say, we are to investigate. What did these words from Scripture mean to the human authors used by the Holy Spirit as well as the hearers at the time, not from a newspaper today that is at a different time, culture, and language. This is what real effectual factual truth is in action and in application, asking the question what the bible clearly says in its actual meaning and context not what we think it should say.


Do you read from the Bible or read into the Bible? Do you know the difference?


The Problem of Eisegesis

The predicament that motivated this twenty year research project is the systemic breakdown of Biblical true-Truth from the continual progressive lack of good honest teaching in Revelation and Eschatology in general. In most American Churches and ministries, there is a decreasing sense of a focus on what God’ really said, a lack of spiritual maturity as demonstrated by a lack of character, involvement and interest of deeper spiritual things. This is occurring at an epidemic rate while bad fads and dangerous trends are replacing solid Bible teaching and discipleship. 

There is too much sloppy exegesis and fraudulent Bible study and grandstanding and in conjunction too much reading in “Eisegesis” to glean what people want out of God’s Word. Thus, God’s people are attacking, even raping God’s word to create their own word and in the process distract His children away from perusing a deep spiritual formation with Christ by chasing nonsense and trivialities of man’s ideas are trivialities not following God’s (Acts 17:11; 2 Corinthians 4:2; and 2 Timothy 2:15; Revelation 22:18-19)!

As serious students of God’s Word the Bible we must know this great axiom, that to engage in honest and effectual Bible exposition, context, context and…one more…context, the historical, genre, textual…what does that term mean not just in the original language, but by the context of the language structure, what did it mean to the person who penned under God’s inspiration and who originally heard and read it…what does it mean elsewhere in Scripture… and so on…. Not what a madman in a suit is screaming on TV, thus we are relaying the research on this for your examination…

Our M.O. “modus operandi” is simply to seek out what the Bible has to say on Eschatology.  We have no ax to grind, no view to prove, we engage the Bible as humble learners. Thus, we seek the most honest and effectual approach is to engage the Bible without a preconceived view, to carefully research what is being said in context, word meaning, genre… Thus, an inductive exegetical approach is undertook, along side of deductive research to see what did that mean to the original writers and hearers and readers of it, not what we may think today. In this way, we can get a better picture of End Times and better embrace God’s most precious Word! 

Our focus primarily a critical and scholarly evaluation on the text and its context from the view of how it was understood in the time and culture from rigorous and sustained exegetical analysis (that is why this took 20 years). 

We will also consider the diachronic approach (i.e. the text’s phenomena interpretive history with its change through time, i.e. all the various views). The Inductive method that is employed is logical induction arising from inductance reactance of word meaning and context, and sentence structure proceeding from particular facts to a general conclusion. It is our attempt to take the principle inductive questions and seek what does the text plainly say, what does it mean and how does it apply today and weave it into a conversational presentation annotations and built points. Then, this induction is compared to logical deduction; “deductive reasoning” inferences from general principles from historicity, compared to others research evidence. We will also explore both the salient as well as the convergent and divergent views. I do not believe anyone has seriously done this; layout all the main views side by side next to the inductive and deductive research for each passage and then you can then make your own determinations. 

Do you read from the Bible or read into the Bible? Do you know the difference? 


The Methodology of our Eschatology

The Problem 

There is just too much bad and false teaching on this subject!  

Our point is to focus on what God says not what man says… we are the triviality when we distract others from Him. He is Sovereign… Thus, we look to Matthew 24, what Jesus clearly stated as our template, not heretical preachers or even what our denominations stated or what is popular…

The findings clearly show the more time in spiritual formation the increased joyful spiritual focus on Christ and effectual Christian living of the individual. Also what was asked is why is Eschatology important and how and why it is not important. The results of these questions were taken into account to the necessity of education of End Times precepts. 

It is the application of what Francis Schaeffer said as “true-Truth!” What does the Bible really say? Not what I think truth is, but willing to lay one’s truth aside for an honest investigation should not be feared; if you are right, Scripture will pan you out. If you are wrong, wouldn’t you rather be right on the side of the Bible, regardless of what others may think, or your own pride that may need to be swallowed? Then if you still feel your truth is correct and you did your homework, you are better off. But what usually happens is that we push our truth forward, ignoring logic, sound reasoning, and biblical exegesis such as, what did these terms and ideas mean in their original languages, set in their contexts, genre, and cultural meanings?

Our goal in our postings is: What did these words from Scripture mean to the human authors used by the Holy Spirit as well as the hearers at the time, not from a newspaper today that is at a different time, culture, and language.

This is what real effectual factual truth is in action and in application, asking the question what the bible clearly says in its actual meaning and context not what we think it should say.

The Essential Inductive Questions  

  1. What does this passage say?
  2. What does this passage mean?
  3. What is God telling me? How am I encouraged and strengthened?
  4. Is there a sin in my life for which confession and repentance is needed?
  5. How can I be changed so I can learn and grow?
  6. What is in the way of these precepts affecting me?
  7. What is in the way of my listening to God?
  8. How does this apply to me? What will I do about it?
  9. What can I model and teach?

10. What does God want me to share with someone? 

The Deductive Reasoning is as Follows 

  1. What does the word mean?
  2. What is the textual context?
  3. What is the genre context?
  4. What is historical context?
  5. Does it change anything?
  6. Does it indicate anything?
  7. What have others researched and taught on this passage?
  8. How does it add to your (and our) understanding?

Eschatology is important, why we have spent 20 years carefully researching and studying this, what is not important is crazy made up theory’s to satisfy ones pride…so we are not growing in the Faith and Fruit instead arguing with one another as the Gospel goes unnoticed…

Primary Sources, References and Resources used:

  1. The New American Standard New Testament Greek Lexicon from online and PC software based on Thayer’s and Smith’s Bible Dictionary, Kittel, Colin Brown and the “Theological Dictionary of the New Testament.”
  2. Richard J Krejcir. Into Thy Word. “Into Thy Word Bible Study Method.” Writers Club Press. 2000.
  3. Augustine. The City of God
  4. Calvin, John. The Institutes of the Christian Religion
  5. The Works of Early Church Fathers
  6. The Works Eusebius
  7. The Works of Justin
  8. The Works of Josephus
  9. Alan Johnson, Expositors Bible Commentary, I, II, Revelation. Zondervan. 1981, 1994.

10. Arthur Ogden, The Avenging Of The Apostles & Prophets, Ogden Publications, 1985

11. Barclay, William. Daily Study Bible: The Revelation of John. John Knox Press, 1977

12. Caird, G.B. Harper’s New Testament Commentaries: Revelation of St John, Hendrickson Publishers, 1987

13. Charles, R.H. International Critical Commentary: Revelation of St John, 1920

14. Craig S. Keener. The IVP Bible Background Commentary. Inter Varsity Press. 1993.

15. The Expositors Greek Testament, Eerdmans, 1979

16. Foy E. Wallace Jr., The Book Of Revelation, Wallace Publications,1966

17. G.B. Caird, A Commentary on the Revelation of Saint John the Devine, Harper and Row, 1966

18. Gerhard Krodel, Revelation, Augsburg, 1989

19. G.R. Beasley-Murray, The Book of Revelation, Eerdmans NCB, 1978

20. Halley’s Bible Handbook. Regency. 1927.

21. Hodge, Charles. Systematic Theology, Hendrickson, 1999

22. J. Dwight Pentecost, Things to Come, Zondervan, 1958

23. Jerome H Smith, Ed. The New Treasury of SCRIPTURE Knowledge. Thomas Nelson. 1992.

24. Jim McGuiggan, The Book Of Revelation, Montex, 1976

25. John F. Walvoord, Revelation, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Victor Books, 1983.

26. George Eldon Ladd, A Theology of the New Testament, rev. ed. ed. Donald A. Hagner, Eerdmans, 1993

27. Merill C. Tenney, Interpreting Revelation, Eerdmans, 1957

28. The Moffatt, New Testament Commentary: Revelation of St John, Eerdmans, 1997

29. Morris, Leon. Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: Revelation of St John, Tyndale, 1969, 1984

30. New Geneva Study Bible. Thomas Nelson. 1995.

31. Philip Schaff, History Of The Christian Church, Vol. I, Eerdmans, 1910,1985

32. R.C. Sproul. Essential Truths of the Christian Faith. Tyndale. 1992.

33. Sturgeon’s Devotional Bible. Baker Books. 1964.

34. Warren Wiersbe. With the Word. Oliver Nelson. 1991.

35. Research at the Scholarly Archives at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA; Years of study & teaching notes; Seminary notes; Prayer

The primary exegete is Rev. Richard Joseph Krejcir, M.Div., Ph.D., is the cofounder and Director of Into Thy Word Ministries, a missions and discipling ministry. He is also the theologian in residence, at the Francis Schaeffer Institute of Church Leadership.  He is the author of several books including, Into Thy Word, and A Field Guide to Healthy Relationships. He is also a pastor, teacher, and speaker. He is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California (M.Div.) and holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Practical Theology in London, England (Ph.D). He has garnered over 30 years of pastoral ministry experience, mostly in youth ministry, including serving as a church growth consultant. 

Do you read from the Bible or read into the Bible? Do you know the difference?


Thank-you for all for your attention and contributions and be blessed!


Seeking End Times Trends is Fruitless PIII

A look at Mathew 28 as it relates to end Times 

Jesus is risen—He is risen indeed—Hallelujah!  

           Jesus has all authority! He proved this by not only being God, but by being willing to come as a man to this earth and live the life we could not, nor would not do. He overcame our sins and our enemies (John 12:31; 16:33; Rom. 6:1-7; Rev. 1:17-18)! He kept His promise that He made to Adam to redeem us, and then He sent the Comforter to lead us on (Acts. 1:3; 2:24-35; 3:15; 4:10; 5:30-32; 13:33-37)! Jesus is risen. This means He conquered death (Acts 2:24; Rom. 1:4; 1 Cor. 15:50-58). We too, in Him, will undergo a similar transformation, as we live for Him, forgive in His name, are justified (Rom. 4:25; 1 Cor. 15:17), and will arise in eternity (John 11:25-26; Rom. 6; Eph. 1:18-2:10; Col. 2:9-15; 3:1-4; 1 Thess. 4:14-18; 1 Pet. 1:3).  

          Without the resurrection, we do not have Christianity—as in saving faith.

We just have some great rules and precepts to live by. Well, so do the Buddhists (1 Cor. 15:1-19)! A dead man, no matter how good and great, cannot save anybody. Buddha has saved no one! The difference is we are transformed, and saved for eternity—not just for here and now (John 10:4; 16:10; 2 Cor. 5:20). We are not called to save souls. That is the role of the Holy Spirit. Rather, we are called to help the “soul bearers” to learn and grow! 

          The people then, as well as now, were confused about the end times and wondered if this was the end of an age or a new beginning.

Jesus did not fit the expectations of the religious leaders or of His disciples. The religious leaders rejected Him. The remaining disciples had to surrender their will to His in order to know who He was and what He was doing in them (John 3:30). We cannot make disciples of others until first we, ourselves, become disciples of Jesus (2 Pet. 1:13)! The disciples bore witness to His call to make disciples of all nations; they were His witnesses and His messengers. What will you do about this today (Acts. 1: 22; 4:2, 10, 33; 2 Cor. 5:20)? The key to implement this is to realize who Jesus is—and His authority! When we have acknowledged His authority, then we can allow His work in us. Then, He can use us in the lives of others. The opportunities and potentials are limitless (Luke 10:17-20; John 15:7; Acts 20:24)!  

Questions to ponder that are more important… 

What can you do to help your church see the veracity of The Great Commission and do a better job of knowing Christ so they can then make Him known? What would your church look like doing this? What would your neighborhood look like? Verses just talking about your favorite end time’s scenario?  

What does Jesus’ statement, all authority, mean to you? How can this get deeper in you so you understand further that He is God, He is all powerful, He is all knowing, and, He is present everywhere? What would that mean to your spiritual walk with Him?  

Jesus tells us He will always be with you. How can this help give you motivation and comfort?  

What does make disciples mean to your church? What has your church done with Christ’s most important call? Why do so few churches and Christians do this? Why is this more important than a ‘correct’ and of course most if not all are not) view of End Times?  

What makes this passage the marching orders for our faith and practice? What have you done? Where are you lacking? What do you need to do?  

Do you believe that if you are committed to your beliefs (those that are not focused on Christ), and refuse to allow the Holy Spirit to convict you, you will remain in your sins and be unsaved? Why, or why not? If so, why?  

What are the barriers that keep you from knowing Christ? If your beliefs were untrue, would you want to know?


Seeking End Times Trends is Fruitless PII

When or if someone asks you, “what is more important the Resurrection or the Second Coming,” what would you say? Would it be biblically correct? 

We tend to think that the prime Christian climax is yet to come, a rapture, which will not happen as many people think or the Second Coming which is yet to occur. Yes, the Second Coming will be marvelous beyond expectation or description. But, the prime climax for the Christian, and the Church has already occurred, it is all about Christ, Who He is and What He has done. Thus, the prime climax is that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is Risen!  

The climax has already come! All of our Lord’s life and mission has reached the culmination.

The history of man, our fallen state, the move of our Lord through history and our lives have interwoven to the finishing point. He lived on our behalf. He has died in our place to absorb God’s wrath and pay our debt of sin; now, He rises back to life, conquering death, and giving us victory and grace for a life of fulfillment and fullness (Psalm 16:11; 107:09; Isa. 26:3; John 14:21; Gal. 5:16; 22-23; 1 John 1:7-9; 3 John 4)!  

The passage of Matthew 28: 1- 20, contains the ultimate wonder of the universe—the incredible impossible, and the incredible triumph. Jesus was crucified; He died, and was buried. 

The magnitude of Jesus’ resurrection was beyond mere comprehension; without seeing it for themselves, as Thomas asked for and received, many refused to believe. Others truly believed by faith and worshipped Him. For us, although we do not have Jesus physically showing us His hands and feet (John 20:26-28), we do have the Spirit that reveals the truth to us. Jesus said, blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed (John 20: 29). Jesus did not fit the expectations of the people, the religious leaders, or, the disciples. A total change in worldview had to occur before He could be accepted fully (Phil. 3:1-14). 

This passage has classically been called, “The Great Commission,” as these are the marching orders for our faith and practice! This is also the hallmark passage for evangelism and missions! Consider Jesus’ Statement here, All authority refers to Jesus being fully God, having all omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence; thus, He is the ruler over the entire earth. This is also a reference to Daniel 7:13-14. 

So what is our point, our climax? To ponder theories or move forward in our Christian life?

Our call here, our climax until He returns is simple, Make disciples, that is, take people under our wing and teach them the Scriptures and procedures of the Christian life (Matt. 4:17; Eph. 1:3‑14; 2:8-9; 1 Cor. 1:18‑2:16; 15:1‑8). (The difference is that rabbis made disciples like themselves, with their traditions and beliefs. We are called to make disciples like Christ, and teach His precepts and ways!) 

We are called to Baptize, this meant conversion and identification; the person was to become identified as a person of faith and as a follower of Christ. It does not presuppose a ritual, but rather a mindset. The physical act of baptism is essential (not for salvation), as it is a public showing of our faith and commitment. The specifics of how and when are not as important as the faith and obedience to follow Christ (Matt. 4:18-19). 

We are called to Teaching, this means to show what is in the Scriptures, how to understand God’s Word, what is God saying to us, and how to live by God’s Word. Personal instruction helps us understand and then apply His precepts into our lives. We are to live for Him and to serve Him. For the rabbi, this meant the Law, Commandments, and the Prophets. Now, it also means the teachings of our Lord. 

All nations refers to Gentiles, as in people who are pagan and not Jewish. Jesus’ dominion is all people in all places. He is not limited to time and space! This means Christianity is to all people, Jew as well as Gentile, beyond traditions and religions, and regardless of ethnicity or birthright. Isaiah also predicted this event (Isa. 42:6; 43:10; 44:8). Christ is cross-cultural; He is for all peoples in all times. Only pride can keep a person from Him! 

Observe. We are called to learn what to believe and to obey. We do this by observing; it is cemented in us by doing! This passage is called “practical holiness.” Jesus calls us to observe (to learn and grow) and then to do it! 

What is Jesus doing? Wilting to come a second time? NO! He tells us in this Matt 28 passage, He tells us that He is….Always be with you. This is the great comfort and hope we have, we have is that the God of the universe, our Creator and Lord, knows us, loves us, and will be with us! This also refers to Jesus being fully God. One of Jesus’ names is Immanuel, which means “God is with us (Matt. 1:23).”

Seeking End Times Trends is Fruitless


Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man. Luke 21:36 

Do you know good pastors who are good at teaching the Bible, but when it comes to end times, they seem to unzip their head, take out their brains and then begin to preach and teach? I know I used to do that, teach my favorite end times theories, until someone challenged me, a high school student who called me out on it and a seminary professor who told me that was not in the Bible. Ouch!

Too many ‘good’ pastors are not honestly seeking real ‘true Truth’ when it comes to eschatology. I am not talking about the faithless and mindless TV preachers and the false teachers and false prophets; rather…well I will not name names… just do not get it. It is unfortunate and fruitless that so many good pastors seem to turn off their brains and not read the Bible, rather read into it theories when it comes to end times, they seek trends and not Him, Christ as LORD!

We need to stop, focus on Christ and His Word not our feeble fruitless ideas!

The point of eschatology and the rapture is that Jesus is coming back! The ‘means’ He uses is not the point, it is that He is coming in His perfect timing, nothing needs to be done or happen first, and it will be more incredible than anyone could ever imagine. We ready ourselves by the growth of our faith not the latest silly ideas or parroting what others say that tickle us.

Focusing on the rapture is like focusing on the mustard on the hotdog while you ignore that you are at the World Series…. Spend all your time arguing about condiments and never taking a look at the game. You miss the main point! It is all about Jesus, His impact in us here and now as we wait by our due diligence to grow in Him and share Him. The timing and details are not given (Matt 24), because they are not important, our faith and fruit are far more important. People who teach and focus on the particular theorems and timing of a rapture or any end times tribulations or an antichrist scenario ignore the main things that Christ has for us. Like a mother with a baby focusing on the fashions of what it should wear and never bothering to feed and care for it (yes some people do that).

Yes we are curious of what and when, it is alluring and fun, but, let’s not lose focus. We have to get the fact it is about God’s love and plan for us. End times is to wake us up on His control, it is not to scare us but excite us, to examine ourselves to see what is in the way and trust in His plan, to not be afraid and embrace Him as LORD! We are to be ready by our faith and our obedience and loyalty not by our theories and complacency to His precepts…

How can I get my church and pastor to get it?

The only thing I seen work is what I am doing (open to any ideas, please post them), have a Inductive Bible study in Revelation and honestly look at the Text and then the 4 views side by side without taking a side and then see what The Word, in context and real word meanings has to say (this is hard, took me 2 years to set up and only 15 people come out a 5,000 member church that I am apart of).

Also, we have exegetical help in the Rapture too, you can do a Bible study, where you do not come to it with a specific view, rather really study and see what God has to say, not what man has to say. If your theory is right it will pan out, if you are mad and do not want to do that, then you are not interested in Truth only your thinking and theorems and how sad that is in the face of our Holy God and Savior!

The barriers? People, especially many pastors because of our pride do not want to be challenged or convicted or seek real Truth only chase trends, because it is easy and no conviction. Why, we can focus on what we want and not bother to really grow in the faith or our character.

Do not be caught up with the “hype” of speculations; rather, be caught up with Christ. Do not ignore the veracity of Eschatology and Revelation. His Word is explicit; He tells us what we need to know and that is that. It is a tragedy to chase what is fleeting and miss His wonders and Truth! We have nothing to add to His Word and nothing to improve about it; rather, it is we who need to be approved.

Be a church leader who follows Christ, seeks His precepts and is suspicious of man’s ideas, but embraces God’s…. Use your brain that God gave, look, observe context, look up words, do not assume, and if it is popular it may be wrong! Do not rest in pride, rather rest in Christ!


What Does Revelation have to do with Church Now?

Why are some Christians so greatly interested in chasing fads and so little interested in effectual truth?

Revelation, as most evangelicals understand it, is about the last days and the judgment of evil, and, for the most part it is. “However,” (a BIG “however,” and a “however” most of us do not like to hear and will rarely study or teach on is this. We rather desire to read into the Bible what we want it to say instead of doing an honest, carful, biblical eschatological study or the simple approach of exegetical eschatology. Then we camp on our hill and tend to die on it in our pride, bringing foolishness to ourselves and the Kingdom of God. Let’s not do that.  

We need to see that Revelation is also about how we are called to lead and manage HIS CHURCH! It really is not just about end times, it is so much more. End Times is an aspect, but not the focus. We forget it is a letter to seven churches who were struggling, dealing with disloyalty from within and persecution from without and End Times was the “hook” to get them to refocus at the big picture to look too God and church right.

For example in Revelation 17, the question we need to ask is, are we being a “harlot” with His Church? Not, who could be the harlot that may come? Consider that prostitution is a form of adultery—not just in the sexual sense, but being disloyal to God so we are committing adultery to Him. It is unfaithfulness, and thus corruption and disintegration of our life, faith, and then the family because of the breakdown of the Church resulting in the breakdown of society (Is. 57:3; Jer. 3:8-9; Hos. 2:4). This is about who you pledge your life to. Is it to your own pride? Or, is it to His Church and the glorification of Christ? Or, do you chase bad trends, sins, and the ways of the world? Are you so concerned with your way of doing things that His Way is pushed aside or skewed? If so, perhaps you are the “harlot,” or at least acting like it. Consider the struggles of these seven churches and the struggles in your life and church. You may have some prayer and repenting to do! I know I have had to do so!

What does Revelation 4: 6-11 mean to us now?

Any church, no matter how good it has been in the past, can easily fail when we think we no longer need to put our best efforts forward. It is when we stop growing, stop learning, and stop reaching out to Him and to others that we fail as His church. When we live in the past, we are not living now¾we actually are not living at all. Keep in mind that just about all churches were good and vibrant at one time or else they would never have been formed. It is when we fail to keep those things going that we fall short. 

The Church is to be under His rule and kingship, not our committees and trends. We are to surrender to His lead and to His Way so we can proclaim His supremacy and majesty. If not, we engage in spiritual warfare, but not the kind that most Christians think of, as in our battling Satan. Rather, it becomes us battling God for control so we can conform His church to our pleasures. Satan does not need to battle us when we are already battling God. He will fuel our battling and provide the weapons, but he does not even need to do that, we are so good at it ourselves. Satan’s objective is to manipulate those with bad intentions to battle the righteous and godly, to lead us astray, and/or to get us too busy to see Christ in our everyday lives. 

Looking forward to His eternity? Great! But, consider this. We do not need to be in His Throne Room; He is here with us now. We just need to see His hand upon us now, feel His presence, and allow His supremacy to lead us in His way. In the end, God wins out. Satan’s spiritual warfare against us is as futile as our war against God. He wins! There is no other way; His way is the best and most glorious for us and for Him. Satan wants our eyes distracted so we do not see Christ’s majesty, with the goal being that we worship him and not Him. God wants us in spiritual purity and faithfulness in and to Him. The choice is given, the call is made; the choosing is up to us! How will we lead and manage our spiritual journeys? How will you lead and manage your church? Will it be His supremacy or your inclinations? Which way do you think will win out? Then, why would a person of faith in Christ choose to run his or her life or church by any way other than His? 

Questions to Ponder: 

  1. What would a glimpse of heaven do to and for you? How would this glimpse of heaven motivate you and your Church to get right and get busy in Him?  
  2. How do some churches battle God for control of His church for their pleasures? How will you lead and manage your spiritual journey? How will you lead and manage your church so you are not battling Him, but rather, serving Him? 
  3. Any church, no matter how good it has been in the past, could easily fail. How does the breakdown of putting our best efforts forward contribute to this?  
  4. What about that when we stop growing, stop learning, and stop reaching out to Him and to others, our churches fail? What can your church do to prevent this?  

© 2006 R. J. Krejcir Ph.D. Into Thy Word Ministries