
Revelation Chapter 12

Revelation 12:1-6  Introduction  

The Women and the Dragon! This passage is written in the style of a Greek play depicting the mythology of the Greek gods such as the struggle of Leto giving birth to Apollo and Python and the Egyptian account of their gods  Isis and Typhon as she gave birth to Horus.  John is using Jewish apocalyptic language. Understanding the literature and metaphors—what the First Century Jew saw—gives us a richer meaning of what the text (God) is seeking to communicate with us today. John uses this captivating style to show the struggle as God gives birth to Israel, Israel giving birth to Jesus, while Jesus is being opposed by Satan. 

Exegetical look into Revelation 12:1-6  Key word analysis 

The Four Main Views of Revelation 12:1-6 

What does Revelation 12:1-6 mean to us now? 

In this passage, we see God, who cares and protects, and satan, who seeks to destroy. We see God, who sends a good King, and satan, who seeks to kill that King so he can be a bad king. This passage is very clear in its Jewish imagery as it is reminiscent of the struggle of satan who refuses to submit before God, who seeks to usurp God’s rule and plan, who desires to influence and control the world for evil, and who hates righteousness and all things of God.  

Revelation 12:7-12  Introduction 

The War and Victory of Christ! Mainly, this passage shows us the defeat of Satan and the victory of Christ! This can be applied to sin, disease, pride, spiritualism, or as it evidently means, spiritual warfare—a template on how Satan and evil seek to operate, a plan of the enemy. But, the bottom line is this; Christ is the Victor! His win has continual outcomes of triumph for the Christian, and judgment and consequences for Satan and those who follow him. This passage may be a depiction of the fall of Satan, the application of how he works, the battle of the Cross, or how he sought to steal the show and defeat Christ to prevent the salvation of the elect.

Exegetical look into Revelation 12:7-12  Key word analysis 

The Four Main Views of Revelation 12:7-12 

What does Revelation 12:7-12 mean to us now? 

This dragon, Satan, and his agents thereof seek to destroy and manipulate us. He wants others to be seduced to put their trust in him so their eyes are not on God or His ways. He wants his arrogance and pride to be contagious and be fuel for us, and for future Christians. When we seek what we want and forget God, or think we have a chance to do it better or on our own, he wins. There is nothing Satan desires more than for us Christians to run our lives our way, which are really his ways. He wants your church to be run by the will of people, governed by the trends of the day, and swayed by public opinion, where God’s Word is kept out of reach or in the dark by overt or just neglected ways. 

Revelation 12:13-17 


The Woman Perseveres! John now sees that the great war is over, but the battle is taken to the streets of human life between struggling humanity that seeks its own and the Satan who sees his role to help people be independent from God. So Satan usurps his role as persecutor and makes war with humanity, focusing on the faithful. Satan is on a rage and seeks to hurt and destroy those who are of faith in Christ, whose trust is in Him. In the meantime God is caring for and sheltering His faithful, giving armor, abilities, and opportunity to defend ourselves by using His means and power—His “means” being His blood that we have as artillery and as protection.  

Exegetical look into Revelation 12:13-17  Key word analysis 

The Four Main Views of Revelation 12:13-17 

What does Revelation 12:13-17 mean to us now? 

Real spiritual warfare has more to do with the battle of the will. Rarely will we see the fire and brimstone that we expect; rather, we see what we want to see. Our will is the prime motivator; our needs are motivators and our desires are agendas. God’s precepts are there, perhaps even known to us, but they go unheeded, unapplied, and/or unused. God’s desire is for us to be formed in Jesus Christ, and in Him as Lord. Satan wants us to be centered on anything but that; he wants us disobedient and distorted to the things of God, and God wants us surrendered and dependant with faith upon Him. This is the battle…

14 thoughts on “Revelation-12

  1. Thank you for your explanation of the Four Views in Revelation. It has helped me find answers to questions that were challenging for me. God Bless!

  2. You are off in your understanding of Revelation 12:1-2. Look up into Heaven because your redemption draweth now. You views on should be written in the constellations, the stars, the planets in the constellations, and the fact that Revelation 8-11 Day of the Lord begins this September, 2015 on the first sliver of the new moon which is called Yom Teruah or Day of the Trumpet (Lev. 23:24ff). Revelation is a duplicate of Leviticus 23 which is tied to Gen 1:14 which is all about the first and second coming of Jesus Christ.
    Look for an article titled” The Woman clothed with the Sun in 2017. Giza Pyramids of 2017.
    Jardalkal stories at if they have not taken them off their website. If that does not work, then go to Aviv Moon Network Join Search 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Shemitah, Return of Yeshua Soon, Asteroid 2015, Nibiru in August and September.

    John Ashcraft Jesus in 2015-2017.

    • Thank-you for your post. If you read the Bible, you will see your views are not supported. Looks like you listen to some false teacher, post back in October and we will see how that went… be blessed!

  3. You are definitely one false teacher I would not listen to because you do not understand the end from the beginning. (Isa 46:)
    Revelation 8-11 is a duplicate of Leviticus 23 and 30% of the Bible is tied to Leviticus 23.

    For instance seasons in I Thess 5:1 is the Greek equivalent of the word Seasons in Gen 1:14 which is God’s Appointed times in Leviticus 23. I did my Master Thesis in Leviticus 23 and after 3 years it was only 1500 pages. Today when I add all the extras like the commentary in Revelation, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, I Cor 15, I Thess 4 and 5 plus all the prophet passages and all I used was Bible Dictionaries, David L. Stern’s Jewish NT Commentary, e-sword, and the Bible study notes of 3 Bibles, that chapter is now up to 4000-5000 pages and that also includes the 26 files on Feast Dates folder.
    I have Asperger Syndrome so I spend a lot of time in solitude and aloneness so I don’t watch TV or play video games. I am a book worm but I don’t get into or never read the extra Biblical stuff that you get into. If you look at the events in Yeshua’s life, I became a Messianic follower of Yeshua just because of this:

    Now about the Sabbaths and how they are tied to Yeshua/Jesus. Matthew, Mark, Luke says the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath. That means to me that everything occurring with Yeshua will occur on a Sabbath, 4th day, Rosh Chodesh (first sliver of the new moon), full moon, or the 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles.
    Yeshua was conceived in 4 BC at Chanukkah (Festival of Lights and Feast of Dedication) on a Sabbath either on Dec. 15th or the 22nd. Born in the Fall on either Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpet) or on the first Annual Sabbath of Feast of Tabernacles in 3 BCE. Messianics teach Feast of Tabernacles. He was circumcised on the 8th day (A new beginning) on the Second Annual Sabbath. He began His ministry in 27 CE and baptized either in January (Michael Rood Chronological Gospels) or Day of Atonement (Biblical Astronomy article). Entered Jerusalem on a donkey in 29 CE (Shemitah year) on Abib 10 (Saturday), Month 1. Died on Passover (not a Sabbath) on Wednesday (4th day and 4th candle called the Christ candle or servant candle of the Menorah (7 candles)) (each candle represents a day and 1000 years). Buried on Thursday (Wednesday night by the time the first three stars came out which starts a new day). Possibly the men came out of the tomb when the stars had appeared and closed the tomb after the stars came out. This Day was the Feast of Unleavened Bread Annual Sabbath. Rose 72 hours later at the beginning of the Feast of First Fruits. Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is the Messianic Kingdom at the Second Coming.

    So just keep going ahead and deleting everything I send you. Because you are going to get all 5000 pages.

    By the way, I got my ministerial degree from Hardin-Simmons University in Religious Education in 1985 but I did not begin my real education in the study of God’s Word until 2007 and it was on Leviticus 23 after a prophecy conference with Seventh Day Adventist. From 2007 to 2010 I studied everything I could find on Leviticus 23 when I lost my evening job. In 2011, I lost my day job in August, and that is when I read the Bible from cover to cover 4 times in a row over a 4 month period. I became intrigued with the prophecies of the prophets so I purchased Jack Van Impe’s Prophecy Bible and copied his verses and chapter’s using his abbreviation outline so I have all those passages in 5 files. In 2013, I came across a video saying that Jesus was coming in 2017 so that lead me into the study of Feast Dates Folder. Then in 2014 I found out that I have Asperger Syndrome so I study that as I study whatever study I am on. My CD has close to 7000 pages. Presently I am doing detailitis on Ezekiel 30 and detailitis on Social Relationships because I am an outcast for all churches due to miscommunication issues.
    Most churches have outcasted me due to Asperger Syndrome. They also don’t like listening to my obsessions over and over again which is trains, gardening, or eschatology.

    And even you have outcasted me because you deleted my last note.

    Revelation 12:1-2 is a time frame and it refers to September/October. Revelation 14:20 tells about the neck and head of Leo and how the scayth or neck of Leo represents the scayth of Wheat and tares. Revlation 15 is Day of Atonement Typology. Armageddon in 16/19 occurs on the Day of Atnement.

    Rev, 2:10 10 days of Tribulation is Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement in Leviticus 23 24:ff-36 because it is ten days long.

    Armageddon is a duplicate of the 10th plague of the Exodus. You can find Revelation in the plagues and you can find Revelation in Matthew 24, mark 13, Luke 21 and you can also find Leviticus 23 in those 3 chapters.

    At the last trump of I Thess 4:16-18, and I Cor 15:52 is tied directly to Day of Trumpet in Leviticus 23.

    • Well, not so long ago I was caught up in the Jupiter effect, 1982, there is always something that someone will say, “here it is.” But the Bible tells us, no, (Matt. 24:36; 1 Thess. 5:2).

      I Too, and my son and my brother have Asperger’s. So, you must be in the top 1% of intelligence. With such a great mind comes responsibly to use it well and watch out for context and what you are connecting things too. You make a lot of false connections and assumptions. The Movie “A beautiful mind” shows this well…. For me, I learned inductive logic to keep me focused and not get carried away.

      Here are some great links, I find very helpful too….

      Get out and explore life, if interested in Revelation, read it and keep reading it. For me I spent over 15 years of reading it each day before I started to research it…. So, in this blog I seek to only post what the Bible teaches in context and not makes connections that do not exist….

      Be blessed!

      • Matthew 24:36
        Matt 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away (Isa. 65:17, Rev. 21:1), but my words shall not pass away. (Mk 13:31; Lk 21:33; Mt 5:18)

        Hebrew Idiom
        An idiom is an expression, a term, or a phrase whose meaning cannot be deduced from the literal definitions and the arrangement of its parts, but refers instead to a figurative meaning that is known only through the conventional use of a specific language.

        Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. (Mk 13:32; Ac 1:6,7)
        When the days of the Messiah approach, even children will be able to discover secrets of wisdom, and through them be able to calculate the time of the end; then it will be revealed to all.’ ” (Zohar 1:117b-118a).
        Mk 13 note: In the Son’s humanity, Jesus did not know when the day or hour would be. During this time on earth, Yeshua voluntary waived some of His divine perogatives according to Ryrie Study Bible.
        1) This verse may refer to the return of His second coming in Matthew 24:31. If you notice the year is not mentioned, the season is not mentioned, the month is not mentioned. The year is a year of Jubilee. The next one is in 2017 (6003), then 2067 (6053), then 2117 (6103). The season is in the Fall based on Lev. 23:24ff. The month according to the Julian calendar is Tishrei or the seventh month biblically again based on Leviticus 23. The first of the month is called Rosh Codesh and it begins on the sliver of the new moon. In September of 2017, for example, it is on the 23rd or 24th. Since these days are shortened, then we have to add 2-3 days more. Just by guessing, we don’t know the day of the day. All we know is that it will be on the first sliver of the new moon in any given September. See notes Matt 24:31.
        Some people claim that Jesus was speaking only to people living in the first century of not knowing the day or hour, not to people living today.

        2) There is another interpretation to this verse and that refers to the end of the earth because of Matt 24:35 which Matt 24:36 follows. This month is Tishrei which is the 7th Biblical month in September/October which is tied to Leviticus 23:24ff which is called the Day of Trumpet. According to, this will be in the year 3015. The earth began in the 7th month in 3986 BC according to so it is fitting that it will end in the same month. The 7th month was the first month until 1441 or 1446 BC when the Exodus occurred in Exodus 12. Beginning in that year Abib/Nisan became the first month and it is in the spring in March/April and it begins on the first sliver of the new moon.
        3) Day and hour refers to the Day of Atonement for it is 25 hours long (i.e. one day plus one hour).
        4) Pentecost is also known as the Day and hour no man knoweth.
        5) Passover is day and hour no man knoweth.
        6) Because we by this time period have gone through the Trumpet and Bowl judgments, there may not be electricity, the sun will be 1/3rd gone, the moon, and stars will be 1/3rd gone, we have had 3 days of darkness, so Yeshua shall come as a thief in the night.
        According to the Jewish wedding, Yeshua\Jesus is in Heaven building His house while the bride on earth is preparing herself for the wedding. When the house is ready for the bride, the groom comes for her. (Matt 25:1-13). This will be on the Day of Trumpet (Lev 23:24). The story in Matt 25:1-13 clearly teaches watchfulness (v. 13); i.e., only those who are prepared for His coming will enter the kingdom.
        Leviticus 23 is connected to Leviticus 25:9-10 (Jubilee year) and especially verses 20-23.

      • I Thess 5:2

        1Th 5:1 But of the times and the seasons (Genesis 1:14 Seasons= Leviticus 23, 25), brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
        1Th 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night (Matt 25:1-14; Day of Trumpet and alarm and a shout).

        Day of the Lord according to Isaiah covers a one year event and covers both the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments.

        Joe 2:1 Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand;
        Joe 2:15 Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly:
        Joe 2:16 Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.
        Lev 23:26 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
        Lev 23:27 Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
        Lev 23:28 And ye shall do no work in that same day: for it is a day of atonement, to make an atonement for you before the LORD your God.
        The Day of Atonement has the Shophar blown once, there is a solemn assembly of the Nation (s), and there is a fast (afflict your soul).

        1656 2270, 2348/9 BCE 2435BC מבּוּל mabbûl; Flood Methuselah dies year of flood 969 years old; Noah 600 years old *

        Yom Kippur is when Nibiru in 2016 will affect the earth, with a global earthquake, fulfilled as in Revelation 6:12-17, as well as other OT scriptures. This global earthquake is actually an axial polar shift (the only explanation for why the stars will roll up as a scroll). This exact same event happened the day that the Great Deluge began, 3,600 years ago, when Nibiru passed through our solar system… which was also Yom Kippur, but it had not been decreed as such by YVWH yet, at the Exodus, when Moses was translated to Heaven to be with YVWH for the 40 days… remember, Moses’ face was so bright that the Israelites asked him to cover it, when he came back from Mount Sinai.

        Revelation 8:5 Rev 8:5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.

        Lev 23:23 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
        Lev 23:24 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation.
        Zep 1:14 The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.
        Zep 1:15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness,
        Zep 1:16 A day of the trumpet (Day of Trumpet) and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers.
        Mat 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet (Day of Trumpet), and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
        1Co 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump (Day of Trumpet): for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
        1Th 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God (Day of Trumpet): and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
        Rev 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded (The Last Trumpet; (I Thess 4:16; I Cor 15:52; Matt 24:31); and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
        Rev 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: (Day of Trumpet, September 23rd, 2017 with Virgo and Leo).

        Rapture days: Passover, Pentecost, Day of Trumpet, Day of Atonement

        Rev 2:10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
        10 days of Tribulation = Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement (Days of Awe; Leviticus 23). However, a day here also can be a year. So if 2017 is the end year, ten the beginning year was 2007.

        Christians teach a 7 year tribulation but Isaiah teaches a one year for the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments.

        September 23, 2017 3 views. 1) End of Humanity and Armageddon on Day of Atonement (September 30th 2017–Wednesday (Gen 1:14; 4 Candle of the Menorrah, 8 times on the 4th day, a planet conjoined with Regulus in Leo during the Star of Bethlehem run. 8 means a new beginning. Pentecost in 2014 on the Rabbinic Pentecost (4th day), there was a cross in the corona of the Sun).
        2). It is the mid tribulation of the 7 year period.
        3). It is the beginning of the last seven years of humanity.
        To support these views, you need a Genesis 1:14; Luke 21:25 event at the beginning of the last 7 years and at the end of the last 7 years and possibly one at the beginning of the last 10 years in the 7th month.

        Matt 24:15=Passover; 24:28=Day of Atonement; 24:31= Day of Trumpet; 24:32=Pentecost.

        John Ashcraft

  4. Feast Dates Introduction
    Isa 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives (Yovel, Jubilee; Leviticus 25:9-10; 2016-2017, every 50 years), and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
    Isa 61:2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD (Shemitah/Shemitta; Lev. 25:1-8; 2014-2015; 14-15, 28-29 CE’s; every 7 year release of debt, the land lays fallow for one year but it is also a judgment for the Gentile nations; Jubilee Lev 25:9-10), and the day of vengeance of our God (2015-2017); to comfort all that mourn;

    Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs (Cross in the corona of the sun in 2014 on Pentecost; blood moon tetrads, lightning coming from the Sun on Dec. 23 (Rosh Chodesh 10); March 20th Solar Eclipse on Abib 1; Lunar Eclipse on April 4th, 2015 =Joel 2:31), and for seasons (Lev. 23) and for days (Sabbaths, Rosh Chodesh (first sliver of the new moon), 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles, 4th day of the week), and years (Lev. 25 Shemitah and Jubilee years):
    Lets look at some heavenly events that have happened since 1995. Source: Feast Dates and Second Coming part 2.
    1) Comet Hale-bopp Passover 1997 Longest running comet 19 months.
    2) 2010 7th Day of Feast of Tabernacles. 5 planets lined up in a row.
    3) 2011 Day of Trumpet Comet Elenin breaks up in Leo causing a Revelation 12:1-2 event in September on the first sliver of the new moon.
    4) 2013 Chanukkah/Thanksgiving Comet Ison perihelion (closest approach to the sun). The path through the constellations says Yeshua/Jesus is coming now.
    5)2014 Blood Moon Tetrads near Passover and Feast of Tabernacles; Solar Eclipse; Cross in the Corona of the Sun on Rabbinic Pentecost; Lighting from the Sun on Dec. 23 (Rosh Chodesh 10) on the first sliver of the new moon.
    6) 2015 Solar Eclipse on Abib 1/Nisan 1 Rosh Chodesh 1; Red blood moon on April 4th (Passover); June30/July1 Venus/Jupiter conjunction in Leo/christmas Star; August 17 Nibiru between Earth and Sun supposedly on Rosh Chodesh 6 and we are in its wake on Sept 26 on a Sabbath; Day of Trumpet with first Trumpet judgment (Rev 8:7); Day of Atonement (Asteroid Wormwood and Asteroid by Sea). 3 days of darkness. Nuclear Winter for 6 months.
    7)2017 Woman clothed with the Sun in 2017 and Giza Pyramids of 2017. Feast Dates and Second Coming Part 4.

  5. Matthew 24:36 is connect to verse 35 because the noun phrase is heaven and earth passing away….but of that day and hour no man knoweth (understands or sees), not even the angels in heaven. But thanks to computers, we do know it because of and that day is the first sliver of the new moon in the 7th Biblical month (September/October) on the Day of Trumpet (Leviticus 23:24ff) in the year 3015 which is the 140th Jubilee (Leviticus 25:9-10ff) since the creation of the earth in 4001 or 4001 BCE which was the 7th month but was also the first month until 1441 or 1446 BCE which became the first month at the time of the Exodus in Exodus 12 which is tied to Passover (Lev: 23).

    But many people take it out of context and apply it to verse 31 of Matthew 24. In that verse we have Jesus who is present sending the four angels to the four corners of the earth on the Day of Trumpet because of the word trumpet and this occurs in conjunction with verse 28 which is tied to Armageddon on the Day of Atonement which both occur in the 7th Biblical month in the year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25:9-10). Rosh Hashanah is a 2 day event because before Yom Teruah/Day of Trumpet can be celebrated, the moon’s first sliver has to be sighted in Israel. In 2015 it will be on Sept 13 and in 2017, i will be on September 21. If there is cloud cover the first day, then they wait until the second day to check out the moon and that is why we do not know and He can come as a thief in the night (Matthew 25:1-8; I Thess 5:3).

    Day and hour is a Hebrew idiom and can also refer to Day of Atonement because it is one day and one hour long (25 hours). Finally it can also refer to the Day of Pentecost (Lev. 23).

    However, you have tied it to Day of the Lord which is also called the Day of Trumpet. If Matthew 24:31 is the Second Coming in the year of Jubilee (Lev. 25:9-10) and we still have to deal with verse 8 of Lev. 25 which is the 49th Shemitah year, then Day of the Lord (Rev. 8-11) must be tied to this time frame. The question now is will it begin at the beginning of the 49th Shemitah year in the 120th Jubilee year (Gen 6 where man is to be on the earth for 120 years/Jubilees) or will it be at the end of the 49th Jubilee year and all we have to wait for is another 60 days.
    But how do we know that 2015 is the 49th Shemitah year. 1967 6th Day war in Israel was a Jubilee year, and Battle of Jerusalem in 1917 was aalso a Shemitah year.
    1967+50 years=2017; 1917+100 years=2017. 1948 Israel became a nation but in 1947, the proclamation went out on Nov. 12th. 1947 +70 years=2017. I have an idea. Lets try Abraham’s birth. Abraham was born in 1947 BCE and if you add 2017 years, that equals 70 CE when the Temple was destroyed in Jerusalem (Matt 24:1-2)+1947 years, you get 2017. So what is up with 2017.

    Next post.

  6. Feast Days 1997-3015 part 4

    Jewish law required two agreeing witnesses to establish a charge (Deut 19:15).

    Folks, according to Woman clothed with the sun in 2017 is the end so 2017 should be the second coming with Armageddon. Enjoy.

    2017 to end Note: Consider each item that you see lining up to 2017 Armagedon as a “witness” or a sign.

    2017 September is the end of Malkhut she beMalkhut (Kingship within (the week of) Kingship). It is the end of the Jubilee year (Leviticus 25:9-10ff).

    2017 Jubilee 120 (6003); Day 6 Rosh Hashanah\Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpet) Sept 21-22; Day 1 Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) Sept 30; Sukkot Day 6 15 (Oct 5); Day 5 21 (Oct 11) Torah Luke 4:17-21 The Lord started His ministry on Yom Kippur and will ONLY return on a Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) Judgment of the Nations, Ezekiel 38-39 War?, Armageddon (Rev 16:16ff, Rev 19:11ff). He should also return in a year of Jubilee for the Second Coming.
    1) Miscellaneous Information Abraham Conceived 1947 BC +2017= 70 AD; 70 AD to 2017=1947 Proclamation of Israel 1947 (Daniel 9:25-26?) Jubilee Information The 7000 Year Plan of Elohim Creation Years 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Jubilee Years 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Ps 90:4; 2 Pet 3:8; Isa 58:6; Isa 61:1-11 compares the Millennium with the Sabbatical or Jubilee years. Adam to Exodus 50 Jubilees; Exodus to 2017 = 70 Jubilees. 50+70=120 Jubilees. (333 BCE Jubilee Year Mede and Persian rule ended) In 333 BCE, Macedonian ruler Alexander the Great defeated Persia and conquered the region. 67 Jubilee; (1517 Jubilee Year); 1517-1917 – OTTOMAN RULE (1867 Jubilee Year); 1867 The final emancipation of the Jews from Austria and Hungry
    2) Yeshua ordained as the Cohen Gadol “The Transfiguration” on Yom Kippur\Day of Atonement- on Tuesday, Sept 30, 27 CE and in 2017 on Sept 30th maybe is Armageddon. (The Chronological Gospels–Michael Rood, p. 150 ). Matt 17:1-9; Rev 1:7. Possibly on Yom Kippur possibly at Creation was the sacrifice of the first animal for Adam and Eve. “You shall know the end from the beginning!” Note: Sept. 30th 2017, Day 3, Mercury at its lowest point in its retrograde.
    3) 1917 Jubilee Battle of Jerusalem 1917 + 100 (2 Jubilees)=2017 Year of Jubilee wikipedia. Battle of Jerusalem 1917. 400 years of Ottoman rule ended by British conquest; British Foreign Minister Balfour pledges support for establishment of a “Jewish national home in Palestine”. Declaration of Balfour Nov 2, 1917. Mars in conjunction with Regulus in Leo when in retrograde. What is interesting about this retrograde beginning in Leo then into the head of Virgo and back to Leo is the concept of the Sphinx with the body of a lion and the head of a woman which kicked of the concept of Israel being a nation restored.
    4) 1967 Jubilee 6th Day War in Israel Month 4, Day 2 6/11/1967+Jubilee (Lev. 25:9)=2017 Year of Jubilee. Astronomy. Mars in retrograde loop in Virgo. Mars circling in the womb of Virgo between March 10 (L) and June 24 (H) and conjoins with Spica June 6 prophecies of Israel’s rebirth and subsequent rescue from Gentile control. 1900 years after the war with Rome which resulted in the destruction of the Temple. Two different prophecies pointed to the year 1967 for the deliverance of Jerusalem; Daniel’s 2,300 Year Prophecy; “How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said unto me, unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed,” Daniel 8:13-14. Reading the context this prophecy was given in, it speaks about a ram with two horns (Media and Persia; Daniel 8:20, and a rough goat, Greece; Daniel 8:21). “And I saw him (the goat) come close unto the ram, and he was moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brake his two horns: and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him: and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand,” Daniel 8:7. This part of the prophecy was fulfilled when Alexander the Great, with an army of 35,000 Greeks and Macedonians, crossed the Dardanelles into Asia Minor in 334 BC and defeated the vast Persian Empire. From that time on, Israel would always be “trodden down by Gentiles,” or under the control of foreign nations. However, Daniel prophesied that the sanctuary (Jerusalem) would be trodden down only for 2,300 days. Applying the Biblical time scale; one day = one year; Ezekiel 4:6, and bearing in mind that there is no date 0 AD, we arrive exactly at 1967! –…/Introduction.htm Miracles of the six day war.;;
    5) Return of Ephraim from dispersion. “Ephraim’s punishment as outlined in Ezekiel 4:5 was for three hundred and ninety years. However, Leviticus 26:27-28 says that if there is no repentance the punishment will be sevenfold. There was no record of Ephraim (the Northern Kingdom/House of Israel) repenting, so the punishment was for three hundred and ninety years times seven years, or 2730 years. 734 BC marked the year that Ephraim or the Northern Kingdom had lost all political and religious control of any territory it still held. It had become a vassal state of Assyria. 734 BC+2730=1996 AD. Every feast that year was marked with a red blood moon. It was also the year of the Hal-Bopp comet. It also marked the beginning of the 100th jubilee\yovel year from Noah and the 50th yovel from Yeshua\Jesus. 1996+21 years (3 shemitah years; Leviticus 25:1-9; 7 years differences x 3) = 2017. The Significance of the Blood Moons by Mark Biltz: Sheepfolds Bechutar Lev 26 3 to 27 34.pdf.
    6) Israel became a nation 1948+70=2018 May 14 or 15; Nov. 29, 1947 Proclamation went out. U.N. divided Palestine into a Jewish\Arab state. Matt 24:32-34 Parable of the Fig Tree. Astronomy. As Mars was completing its retrograde loop, Mars was on conjunction with Regulus (King Star) in Leo. Yeshua was fighting for Israel to become a nation over which He would become a King. Isaiah Prophecy Fulfilled. Israel becoming a nation in one day. 7th Sabbath of Omar count. Sivan 6th, 5948 F.C. Third layer of Daniel’s shavuim commences.;
    7) Judah ben Samuel Prophecy Jubilees 1-8 (1517 to 1917): Turks will rule. Jubilee 9 (1917 to 1967): Jerusalem a “no man’s land.” Jubilee 10 (1967 to 2017): Jerusalem under Jewish control, Messianic end times will begin. Jubilee 11: Begins at Yom Kippur 9/30/17. Messianic King arrives.
    8) Woman Clothed with the Sun in 2017 Rev 12:1-2 Virgo and Leo The Coming Epiphany Chapter 12 Note: on 3 BC, his link file does not line up with stellarium in 3 or 2 BC. This event occurs either on the fourth or fifth day. Christ Candle or servant candle is on the fourth day so it is interesting that it would be on this day. The fifth day is on Rosh Chodesh or the first sliver of the New Moon. Sept. 22 is on day 6 and is on Yom Teruah.
    9) Giza Pyramids of 2017. The Coming Epiphany Chapter 12 Rev 19:6-8 Marriage of the Lamb Month 7 Return of Christ on Yom Kippur Day of Atonement Rev 14:14-20 prelude to Armageddon (Rev 16:16ff; 19:11ff). Wheat-Tares cut by a scaythe (Leo’s Tail) Day of Atonment Judgment of the Nations, Armageddon (Matt 25 Sheep and Goats)
    10) Miracle of the Sun 1917 en.wikipedia/wiki/Miracle of the Sun 1917;; The Miracle of the Sun (Portuguese: O Milagre do Sol) was an event which occurred on 13 October 1917, attended by 30,000 to 100,000 people gathered near Fátima, Portugal.
    The sun then turned blood red in color and seemed to fall from the sky and hurl itself towards the earth.
    Firstly let us observe the spectacular nature of this miracle. We must turn to the Old Testament to find similar prodigies that were performed in front of an immense crowd of people: such as the manifestation of God to Moses and to the Hebrew people on Mount Sinai (Ex 19); or when Joshua stopped the sun and the moon from advancing so that nightfall would not prevent the Jews from exterminating the enemies of Yahweh (Jos 10).
    I will put enmities between thee [the snake] and the Woman [the Virgin Mary], and between thy seed and her seed [Our Lord; the Church]: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel [the persecutions of the Church] (Gen 3, 15).
    This miracle occurred on a Sabbath and it was on the fourth Sabbath of the month according to Today the Parashah is Bereshit which means “In the Beginning.” Bereshit is also the Hebrew name for the book of Genesis. Today is Shabbat Mevarekhin which means “Sabbath of Blessing.” It is the last Sabbath before the new moon. Shabbat Mevarekhin does not occur in Month 6 as the entire month anticipates the new moon of Month 7. Torah Reading: Genesis 1:1-6:8 Haftarahs Reading: Isaiah 42:5-43:11. Number 7 means completion. The fourth Saturday sabbath is interesting in the fact that it ties into the fourth day of Genesis. Genesis 1:14: The Sun, Moon, and Stars is for signs and seasons. It was also the 7th Sabbath of the month. One hundred years later will be October 13th 2017 and it is on the last annual Sabbath of Feast of Tabernacles on Shemini Atzeret (Leviticus 23:36b; Numbers 29:35) on the sixth day. Today is Shemini Atzeret or the “Eighth Day Solemn Assembly.” Shemini Atzeret is a Sabbath day separate and distinct from Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles. It is an appointed time the day after Sukkot on which Israel assembles. One tradition says Jacob married Rachel on this day. Torah Deuteronomy 14:22-16:17; Haftarahs 1 Kings 8:54-66; Extra Readings Numbers 29:35-30:1. Since this is the solemn day of Assembly for Israel, it will be in the Messianic Kingdom for them and it will be a new beginning for one and all. This is the sixth sabbath of the month and 3rd annual sabbath.
    Shemini Atzeret ties into the end of the universe and the globe in 3015. Why because this ties into Revelation 21/22: A New Heaven and a new earth which ties back in Matthew 24:35 Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my words shall never pass away.
    The connection is on the Eighth Day. In Hebrew, numbers are important Bullinger and Numbers. The number eight means a new beginning.

    11) 70th Jubilee Prophecy The number 70 is a prophetic number. Daniel the prophet spoke of 70 sevens that must be fulfilled in order for redemption to come. 2447 1415 BCE Moses dies at 120 years (Deut 34:7) Spies return from Jericho with a report (Joshua 2:23-24) A Jubilee is 50 years (49 + 1); the fiftieth year is also the 1st year of the next cycle. From circa 1415 BCE when Joshua son of Nun entered the land to 2016 CE is 70 Jubilee’. Be ready; as a wise virgin. 2478 1414 BCE Abib אביב‎ 10 Jubilee count begins Joshua (‘Yahovah saves’)leads Israel into “the promised land” Joshua 3:17 “And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of יהוה stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan,” Joshua 4:1 “children of Israel encamped in Gilgal, and kept the passover on the fourteenth day of the month at even in the plains of Jericho. And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.” Joshua 5:10,12;
    Note #1: the Jubilee year is only celebrated when the majority of Jewish people live in the land of Israel – this has now been fulfilled! …Note #2: Jubilee means a time of celebration which begins with a “trumpet blast” throughout the land – the year of Jubilee is also prophetic of both redemption (Rapture) and judgment (Tribulation). The next Jubilee year starts Elul 29, starting the Jewish year 5777, which also represents the eve of the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashana at sundown September 14, 2015…here we have a double trumpet blast (both having the meaning of redemption) starting with the beginning blast of the Jubilee and ending with the Tekiah ha-Gadol, the final great long blast of Yom Teru’ah – could 1 Corinthians 15:52 be a possibility? …Note #3: There will have been 40 complete Jubilee cycles following Christ’s death. The typology of 40 is interesting as it relates to the relationship between “forty” and the fulfillment of promises. Many “40” typology is displayed in the Bible, with the most significant type of all in the forty years of wilderness wandering by the children of Israel leading up to the possession of the temporal land of promise. To be more specific, the exodus out of Egypt and into the promised land by the children of Israel under Moses is a direct shadow of the exodus of the New Testament generation from the cross to the entrance into the eternal land of rest, our heavenly home. In Joshua chapter 6, with the destruction of Jericho at the end of the FORTY year exodus. SEVEN priests, with the Ark of God in the midst, marched with seven trumpets around the wall of Jericho for 6 days. ON the SEVENTH DAY they marched around SEVEN TIMES. At the close of the march, the trumpets were blown, the people shouted, and God caused the walls of Jericho to collapse. The victory was COMPLETE. The events of Jericho offered a graphic image and actual prophecy of events at the CLOSE of the Jewish age, FORTY years after Pentecost…in additional to the “40” type or shadow, the Trumpet blast may also be a shadow of the Last Trump, AND the Seven Priests, Seventh Day and Seven Times [777], could shadow the year 5777, AND the close of the Jewish age a foreshadow of the close of the Church age. Could these types and shadows be a foreshadow of the 40 Jubilee cycles, close of the Church age, and the sounding of the trumpet where the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed, redeemed and enter the promised land, Heaven, the Kingdom of God and the Eternal State?…”Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the (which) DAY or the (which) HOUR” Matthew 25:13
    12) Covenant Cycle
    A covenant cycle is found in Matthew 1:17 with 14 generation plus 14 generatiions plus 14 generations. Now Matthew used Psalm 90:10 where a generation is 70 or 80.
    70×14=980 years where as 80=1120 years. Two 80 generations puts us into 2240 years which is way too long for our lord’s return. Here is the coputation for 70 generation. 2×980=1960. So if we use 2×980=1960 +70 (Temple destruction)=2030 29 ce (Death of Christ) +1960=1989+33=2022. 27 CE (Ministry Start of Yeshua)+1960+33 (Death of Yeshua age)=2019. 27 CE+1960=1987. 1987 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎). 27 CE +1960+30 (Age of Yeshua at the start of His ministry) = 2017.; Perry Stone on Sid Roth Tsunamis, Blood Moons and End of Times;
    A generation can be 20, 40, 50, 70, 80, 100. To prove our case, we use most if not all of them.
    At 10 years, we have this event if 2017 is the end. 2008 Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎)CE Solar eclipse 1st day Abib; Dow Jones Industrial Average falls 777.7 points. Recession for America.
    At 20 years, we have these events: 1997 CE Hale-Bopp Comet at Passover; Kyoto Protocol initially adopted Dec. 11/97 Kyoto, Japan, entered into force on 16 Feb. 2005.
    1998 Modern Israel’s Jubilee.
    At 40 years we have this event: 1978 CE Camp David Peace Accord include framework for comprehensive peace in the Middle East and proposal for Palestinian self-government; Israel withdraws from the Sinai peninsula; Egypt recognizes Israel; Sept 18.
    An interesting fact is that the Liberty Bell–the iconic symbol of American Independence–was inscribed with Leviticus 25:10, the very Scriptures referring to the year of Jubilee. Though the U.S. has never followed the Jubilee Law, I find it intriguing that the bell received its first crack in 1835, which occurred fifty two years after the American War of Independence ended in 1783. Intense! PITN The Final “Jubilee?” Things are Getting Down to the Wire and it is Only a Matter Of Time Before we Hit the End! Lisa Haven
    So now consider the Fig Tree lesson:
    Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves…when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place…” (Matthew 24:32-35).
    Can we know what is the length of this “generation” that Jesus spoke about?
    And can we know exactly what He meant by the fig tree “putting forth leaves”?
    There are 7 definitions and 7 is the number of completeness.
    1) According to Gen. 6:3 it may be as long as 120 years.
    2) Genesis 15:13, coupled with Gen. 15:16 indicates 100 years.
    3) Psalms 90:10 indicates a possible 80 years.
    4) Psalms 90:10 also indicates a more likely 70 years.
    5) Matthew 1:17 may indicate around 50 years
    6) Psalms 95:10 indicates 40 years.
    7) Deut. 2:14 indicates 38 years.
    2017 – Using ALL 7 generations, based on the premise of ISRAEL being the fig tree Jesus spoke about in the end times:
    1) 2017 counting back a 120 year generation = 1897.
    Significant event: The first ever Zionist congress was held in Basel, Switzerland in 1897.
    2) 2017 counting back a 100 year generation = 1917.
    Significant event: The first official political act paving the way for Jews to return to their land was the Balfour Declaration of November 1917.
    3) 2017 counting back a 80 year generation = 1937.
    Significant event: The Peel Commission published a report that for the first time recommended partition of Palestine, and the land under it’s authority be apportioned between an Arab and Jewish state. The plan was declared unimplementable.
    4) 2017 counting back a 70 year generation = 1947.
    Significant event: The United Nations general assembly voted in favour of the Partition Plan that actually created… the State of Israel!
    5) 2017 counting back a 50 year generation = 1967.
    Significant event: The Jews regained Jerusalem, fulfilling“when the fig tree putteth forth leaves.”
    Choosing a 50 year generation requires some explanation. Some people have reckoned on a 50 year generation, starting with 70 using Psalm 90:10 for an average age, and then taking away 20, because those under 20 years old who came out of Egypt were not counted, as mentioned fifteen times in the book of Numbers, Chapter 1.
    6) 2017 counting back a 40 year generation = 1977.
    Significant event: The State of Israel reaches the Jewish “age of maturity.” In the Old Testament Bible, priests could not work in the tabernacle until age 30. See Numbers 4:3.
    This was when they were considered mature. Modern Israel was born in 1947.
    Now do the calculation: 1947 + 30 = 1977.
    “When the fig tree putteth forth leaves” could be considered as another way of saying “when Israel becomes mature.” An example of this maturity is that the Liqud political party came to power in Israel in 1977. The Hebrew word Liqud means ‘The Consolidation’ in English.
    7) 2017 counting back a 38 year generation = 1979.
    Significant event: Israel signs a peace treaty with Egypt. Other than the events already mentioned I’m thinking this would be considered the other most positive historical step towards modern Israel’s expansion, showing “the fig tree putting forth leaves”. It led to many long term benefits, such as providing for the free passage of Israeli ships through the Suez Canal.
    And is 2017 really significant?
    2017 is the Jubilee (per Leviticus 25:9-12 , 50 years)? Counting back to 1967 it is.
    In 1967, Israel gained soverign control over Jerusalem for the first time since the days of King Solomon.
    The above was written by blogger Nicetiming. Heaven

    Some people say Yeshua will return in 2020, 2021, 2025, 2026, 2048, 2055, 2120, 2129, 2239, 2280 but those figures do not line up with 50 (Jubilee)\70 (total completion) dates to the past. If something did line up with these 2 figures, I would be looking.

  7. The Jupiter Effect 1982 4th day Event
    March 10, 1982 Wednesday Fast of Esther Month 13 (Adar 2). Ta-anit Esther Fast of Esther – Esther 9:1-14, Megillah 2A
    Astronomers had long been aware that there would be an alignment of the planets on that date, when Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto would be on the same side of the Sun, within an arc 95 degrees wide. But no effect could be expected as the gravitational effect of the other planets on the Earth’s crust is minimal even at their closest approach. In this book, the authors sought to partially sidestep these objections by considering the effect of the alignment on the Sun, and hence on the solar wind, which in turn is known to affect weather on the Earth. Atmospheric conditions on the Earth can alter the speed of its rotation. The effect on the Sun would also be quite small, however, and in fact there had been an even closer alignment in the year 1128 without any incident.
    March 10,1982
    Virgo: Moon, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter; Scorpio: Uranus; Capricorn: Venus; Aquarius: Mercury; Pisces: Sun; Stellarium .
    What caught my attention was that this was a 4th day event. Gen 1:14. 4th Candle of the Menorah called the Christ Candle or Servant Candle; 2 Peter 3:8 1 year =1000 years in which Jesus came the first time in the 80th Jubilee in 27 to 31 CE.

    1128 April 10-11 Planetary alignment Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. 4th day event. Month 2
    A similar grouping of the same five planets, plus the moon, occurred on May 5, 2000. the Earth, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were close to a line, but it wasn’t perfect. Rosh chodesh 3 first sliver of the new moon.

    The article from calls this a “great conjunction,” which is a pretty good word. Conjunction just means that from our point of view the planets end up close to each other in the sky.
    Phil Plait would call these things “confluences,” since they’re not a perfect line.
    The other word I can think of to describe this is “syzygy” which refers to the alignment of at least 3 celestial bodies. It doesn’t really apply though to the 5/5/2000 conjunction, because the planets aren’t in a straight line. So, save up the word and use it next time you play Scrabble.

    12/12/2012 4th day event John 10:22 Canukkah Month 9
    Using Stellarium, planetary alignments can best be seen on the eliptical.

    The best of the best is in the 7th Biblical month in 3014 CE when all the planets are in Virgo except for 1.

  8. Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    due to the HOLY BIBLES manifold dates (one’s lifetime, begetting age of the first son, coronation as king, reign as king etc.), the Bible facilitates the creation of a gapless chronology from the creation of Adam to the millennial Sabbath of Yahshua Messiah in the Biblical Calendar year 6001 BK (2017 CE).
    You can download GOD’s timetable free of charge e.g. from following website:


    Together, watching the “mysterious” signs of our days and studying the records in the Bible (e.g. Matt 24), will give insight that 2017 CE will be a year out of the ordinary!

    In 2017 CE, 6000 years will have passed since the creation of Adam, and the last 1000 years of the “7000 year Agenda of GOD” will be ushered in.

    For information regarding “GOD’S 7000 YEAR AGENDA” please go to e.g.:

    Executive Summary:

    The 7000 Year Plan of YHVH is not a new age concept.
    You come across this teaching, which is derived from the Bible, already in the Books of Irenaeus (Bishop of the early Church, 130 CE – 202 CE.

    GOD – who controls all things – reveals in the Scriptures that at ‘the time appointed,’ the “End Time World Order” will be destroyed and
    Jesus Christ (Heb.: Yahshua Messiah) will take over and establish His Millennial Kingdom.

    Revelation 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our GOD, and of his Messiah; and he shall reign forever and ever.

    But when will this happen? Are there any clues in the Holy Bible, which might lead to the year and maybe even to the season of His return (1.Thess 5:1, 4)? The answer is YES!

    To be able to uncover GOD’S “hidden” message, we have to start recognizing that the Bible contains accurate data. The Holy Bible is not a fairy-tale book, as some in the world try to make us believe!

    As a matter of fact, when you bring together the evidence contained in the “Old” Testament and the “New” Testament, you are able to count the years from the creation of Adam (3983 BCE ) to the Millennium of Jesus Christ (2017 CE ).

    For further information regarding ‘THE LAST DAYS’: please go to e.g.

    May EL SHADDAI YAHWEH, Elohim of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust, so that you may abound with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Heb.: Ruach ha Kodesh). (Rom 15:13)

  9. Here I am reading these angry and dogmatic views about why the earth is ending in 2017… in 2023. This just reaffirms that a head filled with scripture, with a heart void of intimacy, makes a likely heretic. I noticed none of these folks came back and apologized for misrepresenting Jesus the Lord and His Holy Word now that their dates have all passed… just arrogant and irritating.

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